Proyectos Europeos Erasmus +

Últimas entradas

Proyectos E-Twinning

This Project has been designed for discovering mindfulness as a way of improving pupils in emotional, social and personal ways. Project activities are supposed to set up a growth mindset for kids so that they can learn with a calm mind in a positive learning atmosphere.

The project is about games and dances. It is open for the whole french school year from september 2017 to june 2018. I want real communication situations for my pupils in English with pupils from other European countries. The classes will share and play games and dances from the countries with whom we’ll exchange.

Contenidos destacados

Ceip Cervantes
C/Saturnino Cerdá, 8
03640 – Monóvar (Alicante)

TLF: 96 695 73 35
Fax: 96 695 73 36